Right Path Drug Rehab Mission Hills

Mission Hills, CA 91345

It is possible to achieve sobriety and live a fulfilled life without substance abuse. Right Path has a network of providers in Mission Hills, California that are experienced in personalized addiction recovery treatment and relapse prevention. The hardest part of recovering from substance abuse is deciding to get help. Make the right choice and contact our network of providers for Mission Hills, California Right Path today, a case manager would love to answer and address any questions or concerns your or your loved ones may have. Getting sober doesn’t have to be hard, let Right Path Mission Hills take the stress out of addiction recovery.

At Right Path Mission Hills, our network of providers run a dual diagnosis facility for recovering addicts. This allows our therapists and counselors in the network of providers to address both physical addiction and mental addiction. A medically induced detox is administered by an educated, experienced doctor, and this allows the patient to relax comfortably while their systems are cleaned of drug use. Medically administered detox removes the risk of withdrawal symptoms and discomfort from the detox process.

Following the induced detox, patients are free of physical dependence on the substance they abused, but many times addicts relapse after detox because their mental addiction wasn’t addressed in recovery. Right Path Mission Hills, California has a network of providers who work will work with you or your loved one to overcome the mental and emotional dependency that forms during drug and alcohol abuse. Counselors and psychiatrists at Right Path Mission Hills meet one on one to get to know each patient and their addiction history. This allows our network of providers in Mission Hills, California to personalize a comprehensive addiction treatment plan that addresses individual triggers, enablers, and weaknesses.

Positive coping mechanisms are introduced to recovering patients to replace drug abuse as a crutch. Restoring, healing activities including hiking, biking, sea side group therapy, meditative yoga, kayaking, and a number of other uplifting, restoring activates will take the place of substance abuse for patients. Replacing substance abuse under stress, pressure, or temptation with these activities is a strong method of relapse prevention we encourage every day at the Right Path Mission Hills, California facility.

Treatment at Mission Hills, California is administered in 30, 60, Or 90 day treatment programs. Work with a case manager in Mission Hills’s network of providers to find a length of treatment that is most effective for the history and severity of you or your loved one’s addiction. Custom, individualized treatment for addiction is most effective when tailored to the patient’s needs and previous experience in recovery.

Don’t hesitate to make a positive change in your life today. Sobriety is easier to obtain than you think, and Right Path Mission Hills’s network of providers are experienced and compassionate individuals who want to help. Contact our network of providers in Mission Hills, California with any questions or concerns you may have regarding addiction recovery treatment at Right Path Mission Hills.